netcraft extension adds credential leak detection

Netcraft Extension adds credential leak detection

The Netcraft Browser Extension now offers credential leak detection for extra protection against shopping site skimmers. With brick-and-mortar shops around the world closed due to COVID-19, consumers turned to online businesses to fulfil their shopping…

august 2020 web server survey

August 2020 Web Server Survey

In the August 2020 survey we received responses from 1,230,576,586 sites across 261,821,287 unique domains and 10,349,486 web-facing computers. This represents a loss of 3.65 million sites, but a gain of 1.16 million domains and…

july 2020 web server survey

July 2020 Web Server Survey

In the July 2020 survey we received responses from 1,234,228,567 sites across 260,658,118 unique domains and 10,221,919 web-facing computers. This represents a gain of 9.47 million sites and 180,000 computers, but a loss of 1.75…

the 8 best open source web servers

The 8 Best Open Source Web Servers

It’s been a long journey since the first web server was released back in 1991. For quite a long time, Apache was the only mention-worthy webserver. Over time, however, other open-source web servers have gained…

10 top open source caching tools for linux in 2020

10 Top Open Source Caching Tools for Linux in 2020

Reliable distributed computing systems and applications have become the cornerstone of prominent businesses, especially in automating and managing mission-critical business processes and delivering services to customers. As developers and system administrators of these systems and…


How to Watch TCP and UDP Ports in Real-time

In software terms, especially at the operating system level, a port is a logical construct that identifies a specific process/application or a type of network service and each network service running on a Linux system…