integrating google custom search to wordpress

Integrating Google Custom Search to WordPress

This is a WordPress tutorial for integrating Google custom search to power up your WordPress search results. This tutorial assumes you have basic knowledge in PHP programming. There are two common methods: 1.) Simple method…

restore your hacked wordpress website

Restore your hacked WordPress website

Even the greatest Masterpiece has its flaws. Similar to the security of your website. In most cases, it is due to our negligence on certain aspects like admin password, theme and plugin updates. In this…

install wordpress on wampserver

Install WordPress on WampServer

WordPress is an free and open source blogging and CMS tool. WordPress is easy to manage and at the same time, a very powerful tool. One can easily extend the functionality of WordPress by installing…

how to trigger ideas to write new article

How to trigger ideas to write new article

It is true that sometimes being a blogger may face situations where I would personally like to call it your brain juices got dried upas you have pretty much ran out of topic to blog and you are in crisis…